Monday 24 September 2012

Thriller Spoiler Review, Shutter Island.

I chose to do a spoiler review of the film Shutter Island. The film revolves around a secluded island institute for the criminally insane. The film starts with two Marshalls arriving on the island, one called Teddy and one called  Chuck. Teddy is immediately outlined as the main character right at the start of the film. Now to the story, when the two marshalls arrive on the island we are informed that they are looking for an escaped prisoner called Rachel who drowned her 3 children and then sat them around the table, making her a very dangerous "patient". The film immediately starts too fall into its Thriller Genre as when Teddy asks too see the records of staff and patients the doctors refuse him access, making him and us the viewers think that there is something they do not want us too see and that we cannot trust them. Whilst interviewing patients a woman writes "RUN" on a piece of paper to Teddy sending out the message that the viewers and Teddys suspicions of something bad going on under the surface are true. The film goes on and we discover that Teddy beleives experiments are carried out on patients at the facility, he starts to search for evidence and during the search realises that there has not been one shred of evidence that the apparent escaped prisoner even existed, planting the idea in our minds that he may have been tricked by the government to get him to go to the facility in the first place. Teddy starts to have dreams at night and a few days later there is a huge storm which disrupts all of the elctric fences and doors allowing Teddy and Chuck to enter the forbidden block C. Shortly after entering they are separated and Teddy is on his own, he is attacked by an inmate but he gains control and almost beats the inmate to death.The film continues on with no real significant events until he finds a woman who claims to be the REAL Rachel hiding in a cave on the cliff, she tells him how she was never a patient rather a doctor at the facility and how when she tried to question about the expirements she uncovered they turned on her and she had too flee.
She tells him of the drugs they will have been putting into his bloodstream through cigarettes, food, pills etc and how they will try too make him out too be crazy so he will be committed and can never leave the island. The fears are confirmed when he returns too the main centre and asks about the wherabouts of his partner and is told by the doctor that he never had a partner and came too the island alone, showing that they are trying too make him out oo be crazy. He breaks into the lighthouse where he has been told that all of the experimentstake place, he finds no equipment but rather the doctor at a desk. This is a very important scene but i am having too leave out many of the details and summarise the main points. The doctor tells him that he has been a patient at the institute for 2 years, the doctor tells him he has been the 67th patient he has been searching for all this time. We are told by the doctor that the whole Marshall idea was a fantasy created by Teddy whos real name is apparently Andrew Leaddis. this leaves us confused as we dont know who too believe, the doctor or "Teddy". the film then cuts too a scene of a lakehouse and teddy is returning home from work too find his wife soaking wet and his children floating face dwon in the lake. He shoots his wife and then the scene returns back to that of the lighthouse.
He then admits too being a patient, and that he was admitted for murdering his wife. The scene then uts too "andrew" outside, he is talking to "Chuck" and it appears he has reverted back too beleiving that he is the Marshall, the doctors then give each other the nod and "andrew" is marched off for what can only be predicted too be a lobotomy. The film ends with a shot of the lighthouse which makes you doubt what is true, because putting the lighthouse as the final shot would imply that was where he was taken by the doctors for the lobotomy however according to the story the doctors told (the story that involves teddy not being a Marshall and actually being andrew) no experiments or procedures take place in the lighthouse, this means that by placing th elighthouse as the final shot it must be implying that Teddy was in fact Teddy and a Marshall all along and that the doctors just messed with his brain to make him believe he was an inmate. It is a very confusing ending as it leaves you wondering what is the truth, but i felt it was also powerfully sad as you start too realise that an innocent mans mind has been messed around with so much by others that he does not know who he is and what is the truth.
The whole film created mystery and suspense because you never know what is the turth and what isn't, you start off seeing everything from Teddys point of view and you start too dislike the doctors but closer too the end when they tell Teddy who they believe him too be you do not know if they are telling the truth or if they are trying too trick him, the film would be very hard too follow if you do not play complete attention because missing any single conversation in the film can cause you too miss something that would let you know what is the truth and what isn't. The film fits its genre by not having one plot twist but instead multiple, maing it worthy of being classed as a psychological thriller.
I feel the film would successfully meet the expectations of any viewers and in the majority of cases surpass them. It has a powerful storyline that keeps you involved in the film throughout. Anybody who was looking for a thriller would not be disappointed with this film as it fits all expectations that they could have. This is the end of my summary and review of Shutter Island.

1 comment:

  1. L3 (C)
    A very thorough narrative review with a good overview of the thriller aspects. However presentation is a key aspect of the R&P so...
    To improve:
    Lots of narrative detail here - don;t forget to comment as you go on you opinions - its a review don't just layout the whole plot.
    Embedd the trailer and any clips from the film on youtube that relate to your write up.
    Create a 9 frame tile like on the art of the title website of the most significant shots from the film (get this from trailer or the clips)
