Sunday 23 September 2012

Thriller Genre Iconography Collage

The images in the above photo are a mix of characters from various thrillers, various thriller movie posters and also clips and locations from thrillers. I chose the cityscapes as many thrillers are set in busy cities, this is because it shows that it is an adult complex world and they also allow for many different types of scenes. the business of the streets are also used to create a sense of danger as it makes it hard to see any significant distance in front of yourself building suspense during any chases etc in the film as you don't know where the characters may be. The posters for Shutter Island and Inception show the complex sides of thrillers. The twisted buildings and many layers of the Inception poster make it obvous straight away that it will be a film that makes you think, it also immediatly creates a sense of mystery. This sense of mystery is also created in the Shutter Island poster as it tells you nothing about the film but the creepiness and darkness of the tone of the picture make you expect something bad too happen. the poster makes it immediately obvious that the film will have a very dark tone. i feel this was an effective activity too undertake as it allowed me too show what i had learned over previous weeks by putting in images that i think represent thrillers well.

1 comment:

  1. Low L3 (C3)
    Good effort, but with a mood board there ought to be no white spaces.
    To improve:
    More images please - key ones to look for that are not covered here - props, costume, types of characters, typical scenes (ie autopsy, crime scene etc) - it ought to connect to the mind map we did in class.
