Tuesday 11 September 2012

Panic Room- Title Sequence Time Line

by Martin, Grace and Danny


I felt that this was a good task for me us undertake as it allowed us too study the title sequence of another film. It gave us an idea of how we could present the slates in our own title sequence and also of the number of slates that we should include in our own sequences. The number of slates is a key point so this gave us a good grasp of it.

Doing this activity has allowed me to look deeper into the reasons behind title sequences, rather than just the slates and other presentation features of them as I had previously been studying. The title sequences are included for copyright reasons but also for other legal reasons. They are included to give the people who contributed to the making of the film the appropriate credit that they deserve. Actors and Actresses take where they appear in the title sequences of movies they appear in very seriously, legal battles often take place to determine in what order they will appear but also who will share slates and who will have their own single ones. In conclusion now I have finished this activity I know much more about title sequences than I did before. Previously I thought they were only included to credit those who contributed to the film but now I realise that they are a legal requirement and are much more more important to the film than I thought.

This is the timeline for the 'Panic Room' title sequence that I created in class. On the top half of the page it shows what appears on each of the separate slates, only the role of the person/people included on the slates not the names of the actors or production company's etc. The line in the centre shows the time the sequence goes on for, the boxes are placed at the appropriate time on the line to show at which time they appear in the sequence. The bottom half of the page then shows what happens to the music throughout the sequence. Descriptions of its changes in tempo, volume etc are placed appropriately along the timeline at the times they occur in the title sequence. I felt this was an effective activity as it allowed me too study the music as well as just the visual aspects of the title sequence.

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