Tuesday 11 September 2012

SPLICE, Art of the Title. 9 Frame Analysis.

The predominant colours in the title sequence are dark murky greens, this is put into the title sequence to foreshadow the dark nature of the film. It creates a dark mood, which creates suspense.

The title sequence gives away the theme of the film, that straight away it is shown too be underwater and too have a scientific theme.

X-Rays feature predominantly throughout the title sequence, this continues the biological, scientific aspect of the film .

The title sequence is clearly supposed to be underwater. The bubbles featured are put their either to show that something is breathing,or to foreshadow to the audience that the film features a creature in the water.

The fonts used continue the dark theme of the title sequence, they fade in and out to show an aspect of horror or ghostliness, the words are sharp and distinguished but the colours are dull and go with the dark themes of the title sequence . 

The Actors names are shown as scales or mutations, this give the audience the idea that the film may feature a creature of some sort.

An actresses name is written in veins, this gives a clear definition of the genre of the film, it immediately shows that the film is a horror.  

The Films name, Splice, is written in veins on some kind of body part, this gives the aspect of horror and again gives the impression that there may be a creature of some sort in the film.

During the beginning of the title sequence many x-rays are shown, this x-ray features a creature who looks like it may be mutated, giving the idea that the film will contain scientific experiments of some sort.

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