Saturday 3 November 2012

Treatment of My Idea for Thriller

Black Days
Crime Thriller
18-25 year old males

Directive Style
I chose to use the directive style of Quentin Tarantino, i want my thriller to have a non-linear structure, with time jumps and flashbacks throughout so that the audience does not know how the characters got into situations until a flashback in a later scene that will explain what is happening.

Man goes undercover to discover true going ons of todays underworld but what he finds are crimes and plots more sinister than anything we expected.

The main characters
 - James harding, an inner city detective who has realised that unless they bring the crimes down at their centre all of his city will fall to the criminals.
- Leo (surname unknown) a underworld boss with whom James must compete in order to retrieve the plans that he witnessed leo steal

Main Ideas
James working so deep undercover that he has been placed on the most wanted list meaning he not only has to be careful not to get found out by the criminals he is undercover with but also any policeman he sees will shoot him on sight. James whole life changes as soon as he accepts the job, he is no longer a lonely detective he is now a wanted fugitive thrown into the centre of a criminal organisation.

Intro Scene
-James sitting at a desk in a police station with a bright light in his face, being questioned if he know what will happen if he accepts this job. 
-James says yes. "i know i will have to let go of everything i have valued all life, i will have to carry out acts i had never imagined, but i agree for the benefit of our people"
-Time jump 6 months, shows POV shot from James eyeline, shot shows him witnessing a discussion between an unknown man and the character LEO over plans for some kind of 'revolutionary weapon' 
-Leo shoots the other in the chest picks up the file turns to James pointing the gun at him. 
-James speaks "but leo i thought we were in this together" (introduces the character of leo) 
-"No, this file is my little secret" Leo proceeds to shoot James. 
-Screen goes black 
-We re-awake again from James pov character speaks "lucky i was wearing a vest" 
-James' hunt to find out what was inside the envelope begins.

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