Monday 5 November 2012

General overview of ideas for my thriller


James Harding.
-An inner city detective who lives on his own and has no contact with the outside world other than at work.
-He is a short tempered man who will do anything necessary to achieve his goals even if it means going against what he believes in his heart.
-During the plot of the film even his ideals will be tested as he undercovers a plot so sinister and terrifying that it was beyond anything he or any of the viewers could expect.
-He is a generic detached detective that you see in a lot of crime thrillers much like Morgan Freemans character 'Detective Somerset' is in the 1995 crime thriller 'Se7en'.

Leo (No Surname Given).
-Underworld Boss
-Obviously in charge of all the gang members
-Dresses smartly showing he is a dignified man rather than a regular street thug
-Overly pronounces his words to show an inflated sense of self importance
-Is the main character that harding has to face
-A man with no mercy and no regret
-Driven by his own desires has no respect for anybody else and their beliefs or ideas
-Will not be questioned by anybody
-Hints about a traumatic past shown throughout the plot

Crime Thriller.
-It is a crime thriller that will appeal to an 18-25 year old male audience
-Meaning that there must be lots of mystery and suspense but also a specific viewpoint of the film
-Plots will be uncovered by the audience as the same tiume as the characters in the film so that it keeps the audience involved and makes them feel as if they are part of the film
-Detective is thrown into the centre of an underworld crime gang with no contact to the outside worlds and what he undercovers is more shocking and dangerous than anything that we would have expected
-Parts left to the audiences imagination and for them to decide, use of flashbacks link it to a psychological thriller but the content of the film shows it to be a crime thriller

Opening Scene.
-Film will open in a police station, dim lighting but a bright light shining on a at the time unknown characters face to show power
-Time jump to large spacious room with stone walls and little furnishing, a large table and two chairs are the only things in the room other than the men
-Two locations will be needed for my opening scenes due to a time jump
-I feel it is key putting a time jump in this early because it will show the fast paced nature of the genre

Why it is a Thriller Plot.
-My opening will immediately show the thriller plot because it will make use of a time jump to immediately create mystery and suspense
-The time jump will take the viewer to a meeting so that they will wonder what is being discussed, how they got there etc
-This makes it immediately get the viewer asking questions showing that the film will have a strong enigma codes throughout
-The type of characters shown in the opening scene will also show it to be a thriller plot as the criminal and policeman are those type of characters that are nearly always included in any good thriller
-The main gang leader 'Leo' will be presented as sophisticated and adult to show the adult nature of the thriller that all good crime thrillers and other sub genres of thrillers should have

Films that inspired me in my ideas.
-Firstly the film Se7en was a major inspiration, although it is not in the directive style that i would like to use in my thriller it does follow the same kind of dark unexpected plot line that i desire mine to have
-It also has many similar characters for example i took inspriation for my lonely detatched Detecive harding from Morgan Freemans character detective somerset
-I changed him slightly as Harding has no compassion for anybody whereas Detective Somerset did have some humanity

-Secondly the film Pulp Fiction inspired me in the way of directive style
-The scenes of the film are played in what appears to be an almost random order but they do all tie together eventually
-This means that the viewer has to piece together what happens where and how
-I want to do this in my thriller with the use of flashbacks and time jumps
-Also Pulp Fiction shows a somewhat lighter side to gang culture but none the less shows what their life is like
-This again inspired my thriller as it will show what the gang life is like in the city where Harding is undercover

-Thirdly The Dark Night Rises was a major influence in my plot
-It influenced me because it shows the kind of major power that gangs can control
-The character Bane in the film has the same motives as the character Leo in my thriller
-They both seek to destroy a complete city through a sinister unexpected method
-The type of fear the citizens live in during The Dark Night Rises is similar to the fear the citizens live in during my thriller
-Also the mystery and darkness surrounding the main character, Batman in The Dark Night Rises and Detective Harding in my thriller is similar as it creates more suspense as you are not always sure if you can even trust the character who seems to be fighting for good or the well-being of the people

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