Tuesday 16 October 2012

Storyboard for Preliminary Task

In this task we had to design a storyboard for our preliminary task which was an interrogation scene that would typically be scene in a thriller film. me, Rosie and Emma designed the storyboard, Rosie took the photos you see above and me and Emma were the actors or subjects for these photos. When we actually came to film the task me, Emma and Rosie were all doing camera work and directing so we had to get the help of our friends David and Jake to act in our scene. David took the place of Emma in the photos above and Jake took the place of me (Martin) in the photos above. This was our second attempt at a storyboard as our first one was not thorough enough as it did not contain examples of all the necessary shot types. These being Match on Action, 180 Degree Rule and Shot Reverse Shot. We tried to use as many different cinematography techniques in our shoot as possible to create the desired atmosphere you would expect to see in a film which falls under the thriller genre.

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